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Pelvic Floor Health

Pelvic Floor Health

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles we don’t often openly talk about with our friends and family or even our healthcare providers. Often, it’s only brought up when there’s a potential problem or when someone tells you to “do your kegels”. Our pelvic floor is an incredible group of muscles that influences our daily functioning. For this reason, working towards a healthy, functional pelvic floor should be encouraged, just like any other muscle.


We run our Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health workshop throughout the year. Check out below for the latest info. 

Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health Workshop


Our next date is TBA!

Join our mailing list to be be first to hear when we lock in our next workshop.


In this educational workshop, you will learn:

  • The anatomy and function of the pelvic floor

  • Signs of pelvic floor dysfunction

  • How to activate and relax the pelvic floor

  • How yoga can support pelvic floor health

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